.Normal trading hours have now resumed.
Please note masks must be worn at a all times in our store and in public.
Our condolences are with all of those who are being affected by the epidemic.
We are following orders from the Australian government and health departments in order to stop the spread of the virus.
We are prioritizing the health and well-being of staff and our customers.
What we are doing differently?
– Ensuring our stores are cleane regularly, including all counters
– Hand sanitiser is available in all stores.
Dear Valued Customers, effective Immediately and until further notice entry into our store will be subject to the following conditions:
• Only one person is to enter the shop at any time (infants and children under 5 are excepted).
• You have not travelled overseas within the last 14 days or are in close contact with someone who has.
• You are not feeling unwell, including a sore throat, temperature cough, or other flu like symptoms.
• You have not been in contact with a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
• Upon entry all visitors must sanitise their hands and device with the sanitiser provided.
• Social distancing policy must be maintained:
– No handshaking or other personal greeting contact.
– Maintaining a safe distance from each other – at least 1.5m.
– No drinks or food to be brought into or consumed in our office.
These conditions are
in-line with government requirements and will be in effect for at least for the
next 30 days or until further notice.